Stop the closure of McVitie’s Tollcross factory! Save 500 jobs and feed the people, not the capitalist’s profits. […]
McVitie’s Tollcross Factory: Stop the Closure, Save 500 Jobs

Stop the closure of McVitie’s Tollcross factory! Save 500 jobs and feed the people, not the capitalist’s profits. […]
Why is there still no majority for Yes? What effort is being made to achieve a better economic case? And what plans are being made to put pressure on Johnson to concede a referendum? […]
FE workers have won a major victory. A lecturer is indeed a lecturer – and should be paid a lecturer’s wage. #CollegesNeedLecturers […]
On Earth Day 2021, the SSP makes clear that the Earth’s plentiful resources must be used sustainably for the benefit of everyone, not just the profit of the few. […]
Demand industrial action to reinstate workers and their contracts – nationalise under workers’ control! […]
The Voice Forum on 25th March will both bring reports from some of those on the front line of the struggle for justice in a number of fields, and help build solidarity with them. […]
The Scottish Socialist Party is outraged by the display of police brutality against the vigil for Sarah Everard on Clapham Common. […]
Opinion polling has found 69% of people want a publicly-owned National Care Service, but both Derek Feeley’s report and MSPs have stopped short of delivering it. […]